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Department of Physics

Herzig Group – Dynamics and Structure Formation

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Summer School GISAS 2018

The second summer school on grazing incidence scattering took place in Bayreuth, Germany, from the 17th to the 21st of September 2018. Participants from around the world came together to learn about this thin film analysis technique in basic and specialized workshops. Together with the support of various experts they remotely measured their samples and started their analysis. Introductory lessons on software tools for analysis and associated tutorials allowed everyone to get busy on their own data and get involved into detailed discussions with the experts. A social program in the evenings made the group grow together and have a lot of enjoyable time together.

Feedback from the students:

“The courses were really informative.” – “I really liked the availability of the experts both social and professional. This was really good!” -  “It was one of the best organised workshops I’ve been to” - “I learnt a lot about my sample system, but there is more work to do to make it publishable.” - “Talking to an expert for 5 minutes is more valuable than reading 108 articles. 😊”

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